Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Some Velvet Morning, When I'm Straight

As far as fabrics go right now, I like lace, leather, sequins (Balmain blazers and these amazing leggings), and velvet.

For those of you who can afford it please buy these velvet dresses and this velvet jacket for me. :)

For those who aren't blessed with nauseating amounts of wealth, some other options:

Velvet skinny pants from Urban Outfitters and Topshop.

Velvet Blazer from Topshop. How cool is this?

Velvet Vest from UO.

The important thing when wearing velvet is to stay away from Victorian cuts such as bustier or lace-up torsos, puffy sleeves, puff/bubble skirt parts, and purple colors unless you're going for the goth-Lolita style.

1 comment:

diamondsinchampagne said...

I love the vest and the first pair of black velvet pants.